I am going to lightning write this letter because time is limited this week... just know that I am still 156 pounds, eating really healthy, I do my push-ups, and am 100% ALL IN. I love my mission.
Learning the trade of photography |
Our 4th of July Feast.... the brownies weren't too shabby! |
This week was actually really incredible. Number wise, we did not succeed, but that is a result of the agency of others- we spent our time preaching the gospel and receiving great training from the wonderful mission president and his wife.
We love President Hettinger! |
I have really enjoyed having this new opportunity to lead the masses, as it means special training. On Tuesday we had an incredible seminar with the leaders of the mission as to how we can move the work forward with more urgency and spiritually. Then on Thursday we had the Bucharest Zone Conference.
Bucharest Zone... We are looking sharp! |
Elder Giron and I enjoying the Leadership Conference and the 4th of July! |
Elder Trottier and I... buddies for life |
Elder Bontempo and I put it on and turned out to not only be a success food wise (KFC, veggies, and smoothies for all), but also spiritually. It is a great blessing to be apart of this great work and have no worries but for the welfare of others and my own relationship with my Savior.
Elder Bontempo and I really used these two experiences to fuel our work the rest of the week- and we saw the Lord guide us to people who needed to hear our message daily. It is interesting to look at the two sides of being a missionary- 1) what regular people see and 2) what I see. I am positive (because of awkward experiences happen all the time) that most people think we are crazy, brain-washed dudes who never take off their suit and tie even when we shower.
Everyday is a blast with this guy! |
13 kilo watermelon... worth it! |
The other side is what I see- this message that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the fullest has been an incredible source of peace and happiness and my life and I know that it can do this for not just me and my family, but for everyone! The catch is that we all have our own agency whether or not to accept.
Awesome Architecture |
Which means, there is a third party of people... those who listen and choose to learn and apply. This is when my role as a missionary becomes very important and this is when I experience the most joy.
My brother |
I have learned that sharing my testimony with others is a very essential part to this work. When people choose to listen to the message, they let go of the weirdness of the external situation, and turn inwards, even to their own relationship with their Father in Heaven. I spoke to some people who (thought) they weren't interested in religion, to then have a slight desire to know more, to hear the word of God.
My favorite experience was having a conversation with an English student after class (we teach English classes weekly for service) about Jesus Christ. I pointed to the picture on the wall (Christ washing the Apostle's feet), and asked him if he could do what the King of Kings did... after all, the apostle's feet must have been pretty smelly!
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Jesus washing disciples feet |
A half hour later, we concluded our conversation that was truly lead by the spirit and pricked the heart of the man, to perhaps take action to the things we had talked about. I found it so incredible that someone who seemingly wasn't interested at first, could become so curious and open up his heart to the point where he asked his questions that his soul yearned to know.
Moroni 7:16
For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man,that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.
I know that all good things come from God, and he wants us to have happiness in our lives. He has provided EACH OF US a way to obtain this, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that this is REAL... try it- if it is not of God, God will tell you!
I love each one of you, be safe this week with all of your travels!
Mirela suprised me at church today... She woke up at 5am and took a 4 hour journey to come to church her with me! It was amazing to catch up with her and see how the gospel of Jesus Christ has changed her... this work is real, and how grateful I am for her and her desire to come closer to her Savior!
Mirela Minunata!!! |
Mirela is awesome! You are awesome and a great missionary! Love your letters every week!