Alex's Mission Address:

Elder Alex McLean Ditto

Romania/Moldova Mission
Bdul. Primaveril Nr. 19-21 Et.1 #13
Sector 1
011972 Bucharest

Email -

Monday, July 23, 2018

About His Important Work

Almost two years ago, Uncle Geoff wrote me an email with a quote at the end that really left an imprint in my life, especially as I focus on missionary work. At the beginning of my mission I used to say this phrase in front of the mirror and give a good flex; you know, gotta get those confidence juices flowing somehow! Now, these words are engraven in my mind and have been brought to my remembrance many times. Ready for the phrase?

"I know that missionaries are called of God, and are about His important work, and that is a marvelous work and a wonder!"
This week I felt especially the power of these words in the work that we did. Elder Welling and I had been feeling a little frustrated last week because a lot of other duties were taking away from the thing that we love the most- teaching Romanians about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ! We had a super solid week planned and God just truly magnified our efforts. Where to even start...
The Bucharest Zone Elders
Elder Miller and me... he is doing work in Galati!

This week Elder Welling and I were able to participate in two zone conferences (the Bucharest Zone, and the East Zone). Both were very amazing and although the same principles were taught in both conferences, I was amazed by the things I learned and the way we were able to customize our teaching for the needs of the individual zones. I bore my "departing" testimony in the Bucharest zone conference, and I just had a sweet, peaceful feeling as I bore a simple testimony of the Savior and missionary work. These zone conferences start at 9:50 and end at 3:00, so a good chunk of two of our days were taken for this. Because of the planning that we did and the prayers offered, we were able to do so many grand things during the evenings. I have so many good stories to share from this week, but I will share two.
Sports Night July 20th... the biggest ever!

The first was with Mihai and Darius, two super great kids that we met in Piata Unirii in April, and had been coming to sport nights since. The stars finally aligned and we were able to meet up at the Mega Mall right after a zone conference. We taught these boys that the experiences they have already had in coming to know that God exists, is the starting point to having great faith in him. We showed them Ether 12:27, and explained how living the gospel of Jesus Christ can help us become strong. As we talked about the church of Jesus Christ being lost but then restored through a chosen prophet of God, they asked, "How come we didn't know about this earlier!?" 

As we left those two kids, I had the strongest affirmation that there is no where else God would want me to be at this time, than teaching two of his sons about the gospel. I was just overwhelmed with happiness!

The next one is a longer story, and I don't have time to share it all, but it is about two boys sent from heaven. We met them in Piata Victoriei while we had a free hour before our next appointment. For some reason there was just a flux of females everywhere, and I was looking for a guy to talk to. I saw a group of guys walking towards the cross walk, and decided to stop them. Only one of them stopped, but then later the other came over as he realized we were talking about God. To make a long story short, Alin lives la tara (the countryside) and has searched many churches to find the truth. A week ago, he prayed to be led to the truth, and that was when he met two missionaries in Piata Victoriei

A few days later we met up and taught him the Restoration with a member. He sucked it all up. He had already read much of the Book of Mormon and had learned even more on On his way to Bucharest to meet with us, he ran into his cousin and shared with him the Book of Mormon. The cousin also became interested and came to sports night. Both of them were fellow-shipped by members, missionaries, and friends that night, and then come Sunday, he and his cousin came to church. They took a train and then a taxi in order to get to church on time. Alin just quit smoking, and both are so excited about the gospel. As we taught them the Plan of Salvation, they were spitting out the next part before we could even say it! Other parts, we shared scriptures from the Bible and Alin would say, "that is exactly what I figured it meant!" The Holy Spirit was oh so present, and all of us left more edified. 
Feeling the rhythm!

Please pray for these two truth-seeking friends! I am loving every second of my mission. I am so thankful to be serving at this time. My birthday was so great. 
Pancake Guru Welling

Our kitchen is the best

Dani invite us over to his house for burritos (our favorite and a tradition) the night before my birthday. Elder Welling made mean pancakes, everyone sang to me at sports night, and Sister Leavitt made me an INCREDIBLE painting of a shepherd in the Carpathian mountains.
Thank you Leavitts!! They have a special place in my heart.

I received so many warm wishes from many of you in the states, and a ton from over here. Truly feel the love! 
It has been a privilege to serve around these fine men

The Team!
I love all of you!!!!

Elder Ditto

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